For whatever reason, I feel like an adventurer today. Me and Malsue are going to see American Authors in concert tonight. My jeep is back home, but I am in provo because I had class and work. By the way, my new job is making popcorn. I make all the caramel popcorn and kettle corn that byu sells. It's great! Anyways, I was able to leave work early this afternoon. I wasn't really by a bus stop and I didn't have any cash. I took my super cool backpack that I love so much and headed out. I walked about a mile from the stadium to walmart to get cash. I then ran across the highway to catch the bus. I rode the bus to the FrontRunner station. I am currently on the train. I will ride this train until I reach North Temple, then I will ride Trax to the airport where my mom will pick me up if she gets my texts that I'm on my way a little early. After I get home, me and Malsue are driving to the gateway to see American Authors at The Depot. It's crazy but I love it. I love going on adventures. I smell like caramel popcorn, I have a backpack that was really built for adventures, I have cool black shoes and my shirt even matches. Really have it all together today.

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