Tuesday, October 14, 2014

American Authors

The concert me and Malsue went to last night was amazing!
After the long adventure to get home, me and Mallory drove to downtown SLC last night to see American Authors, Echosmith, and the Mowgli's in concert. Good thing dad bought us tickets early because the show sold out!
Echosmith was really cool to see. Their big hit is "cool kids" that's been on the radio for a while now. They have a lot of other really good songs and I just might get the rest of the album. I listen to music at least 4 hours a day while I'm working on homework, at work, walking around campus, or just sitting in my room. Anyways, Echosmith did a great job and we got to take pictures with them after the concert had ended. Bummer part is that the picture is not the best of quality.

The highlight of the show was of course American Authors. I started listening to their music last summer when they just had "Best Day of My Life" out and listened to it all senior year. Towards the end of senior year, more people started to hear it and were like, "hey have you heard this song?" and I was like "dude that came out months ago where have you been?" Anyways, the rest of their album, "Oh What a Life" came out in march and I freaking love it. I have Malsue listen to all the music I get and she loves it to. We have been listening to the album all summer long. We know the lyrics to every song, and will shamelessly belt it out while doing intense kitchen dancing. Dad told me that they were going to be in concert a few weeks ago and I was so excited! I called Malsue and we decided that we wanted to go for sure. Dad picked up the tickets for us a few days ago and we met him outside The Depot to go enjoy the show. It was amazing! We were also able to take a picture with them afterwards but I haven't been able to find the picture yet.

1 comment:

  1. Emmi love your posts. This concert sounded so fun and nice that you and Malsue could enjoy it together. Great "sister" memories! Love, Gam P.S. Keep writing!
